Today we have one news item as well as three articles that we have enjoyed reading recently. 1. Unfortunately, we have had to postpone the Bark Beetle Academy due to the virus pandemic 2. The use of taxonomic expertise and DNA databases 3. Climate change impacts on Korean Oak Wilt
今天,我们分享1则消息和3篇文章。 1.受肺炎疫情影响推迟举办小蠹学术研讨培训班;2.分类学专家在建立DNA数据库中的作用;3.气候变化对韩国橡树枯萎病的影响 4. 澳洲桉叶甲在亚洲的首次记录
Bark Beetle Academy – Postponement
Unfortunately, the COVID-19 virus has continued to cause disruptions and we have been forced to postpone the Academy event due to take place in Taiwan on May 4-8th. We are in the process of re-arranging the event for Spring 2021. For more details please see the website.
The Essential Role of Taxonomic Expertise in the Creation of DNA Databases for the Identification and Delimitation of Southeast Asian Ambrosia Beetle Species (Curculionidae: Scolytinae: Xyleborini)
Cognato, A., Sari, G., Smith, S., Beaver, R., Li, Y., Hulcr, J., Jordal, B., Kajimura, H., Lin, CS., Pham, TH., Singh, S., Sittichaya, W. – Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution
DNA holds great potential for species identification and efforts to create a DNA database of all animals and plants currently contains >7.5 million sequences representing ~300,000 species. This promise of a universally applicable identification tool suggests that morphologically based tools and taxonomists will soon not have utility. Here we demonstrate that DNA-based identification is not reliable without the contributions of taxonomic experts. We use ambrosia beetles (Xyleborini), which are known for great diversity as well as global invasions and damage, as a test case. Recent xyleborine introductions have caused major economic and ecological losses, thus timely species identifications of new invaders are necessary. The involvement of taxonomic experts from the start of this project was essential for the creation of a stable foundation for the DNA identification of xyleborine species. In general, their role in DNA barcoding cannot be underestimated and is further discussed.
Climate Change Impacts on Forest Management: A Case of Korean Oak Wilt
An, H., Lee, S., Cho, SJ. – Climate
Climate change is expected to affect the occurrence of forest pests. This study depicts a method to measure the impact of damage inflicted by a forest pest like oak wilt as a result of climate change. We determine the damage function considering the factors related to the pest damage and forecast the future damage rate under future climate change. The results show that the damage rate and the affected area from oak wilt would increase under climate change. In addition, the economic evaluation indicates that an altered climate would reduce the management returns and increase uncertainty. However, these outcomes could be alleviated by carrying out the control and prevention measures after the infection occurs.
First report of the invasive Australian tortoise beetle Trachymela sloanei (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Chrysomelinae) in Asia
Zhang, M., Chen, X., Ruan, Y., Jiang, S., Yang, J., Jiang, M., Ruan, X., Li, Y. – Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology
The Australian tortoise beetle Trachymela sloanei (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Chrysomelinae), an invasive pest of several species of Eucalyptus has been reported for the first time in Asia. It was first detected in Shenzhen, China where it has become established. Currently, T. sloanei is not a destructive forest pest in Shenzhen. Pupae and adults were frequently found infected by an unknown fungus.
We hope that you and your families are safe at this time. We would also love to hear your recommendations for papers that you have enjoyed reading recently. If you have recently published a paper, send us a link! We would be happy to share your research with our community
如果您想推荐您最近发表或阅读过论文,可以发送链接给我们! 我们很高兴听到您对最近阅读论文的建议,并乐于在社群分享您的研究。