长林小蠹Hylurgus ligniperda (Fabricius) 属树皮小蠹类害虫,通常为害新伐木、伐桩、衰弱木,入侵性十分强。长林小蠹原产欧洲、俄罗斯和地中海地区,目前已成功入侵南非、日本、韩国、斯里兰卡、澳大利亚、新西兰、美国、巴西、乌拉圭、智利等地。值得一提的是,关于长林小蠹在东亚地区的分布,文献记录显得比较混乱。比如Wood and Bright 1992年在其专著《A catalog of Scolytidae and Platypodidae (Coleoptera), Part 2. Taxonomic Index》中记录长林小蠹在日本和中国“Manchuria”有分布,而CABI则将中国(广东)列为原产地,同时记录日本是被入侵的。 The red-haired pine bark beetle, Hylurgus ligniperda (Fabricius), is a well-known forest insect that colonizes the phloem of pine species. It can attack
Biological Invasions in Forests – IUFRO
Hi Everyone, we hope you are all happy and healthy! Here we are sharing information of events and conferences taking place in the future. 大家好,这里我们分享一些近期活动和会议的信息。 2021年5月31日—6月4日 捷克,布拉格 Joint meeting of IUFRO Working Groups Topics covered by the conference 7.03.12 – Alien
International Association of Wood Anatomists Event – 国际木材解剖学家协会(IAWA)中国分会第七届学术研讨会, 中国浙江临安,2020年11月28-29日
Hi Everyone, we hope you are all happy and healthy! Here we are sharing information of events and conferences taking place in the future. 大家好,这里我们分享一些近期活动和会议的信息。 7th Annual Meeting of IAWA-China Group (International Association of Wood Anatomists), Lin-an, Zhejiang, China, November
Pest Identification Resources Update 8.29.20
Hi Everyone, this week we would like to share some ID resources that have found useful recently. Identifying the pest or disease in a forest is very important and can be difficult, the resources below are useful tools to help
News and Updates 8.17.2020
Hi Everyone, we hope you are all happy and healthy! Here we have four recent articles that we have enjoyed reading. 1. A new fungi control pine wood nematode, 2. Problems in the Research of Meliboeus ohbayashii Primoriensis 3. A
News and Updates 8.4.2020
Hi Everyone, we hope you are all happy and healthy! Here we have three recent articles that we have enjoyed reading. 1. Identification of six Cytospora species on Chinese chestnut in China 2. Long-distance spreading speed and trend predication of
News and Updates 7.19.2020
Hi Everyone, we hope you are all happy and healthy! Here we have four recent articles that we have enjoyed reading. 1. Pine needle blight on Japanese Red Pine 2. Emergent control system for Fall Armyworm 3. Report on Indian
News and Updates 5.12.2020
Hi Everyone, we hope you are all happy and healthy! Here we have four recent articles that we have enjoyed reading. 1. A new biocontrol strategy for Monochamus alternatus 2. First report (disease note) of a disease affecting Macademia trees
News and Updates 3.30.20
Today we have one news item as well as three articles that we have enjoyed reading recently. 1. Unfortunately, we have had to postpone the Bark Beetle Academy due to the virus pandemic 2. The use of taxonomic expertise and
News and Updates 2.20.20
Today we have one news item as well as three articles that we have enjoyed reading recently. 1. First record of the Southern pine beetle (Dendroctonus frontalis) on a Chinese pine situated in New York, USA 2. Anthracnose affecting Persimmon