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News Update 10/8/19

News Update 10/8/19

Today we have four articles that we have read recently and enjoyed. 1. Fumigation methods for controlling nematodes 2. Report of gray mold on Chinese Magnolia Sp.  3. Forecasting Ips subelongatus outbreaks in Korea 4. A New Alternaria Species Causing Foliage Spot

Two Adverts for PhD and Post Doc positions

Two Adverts for PhD and Post Doc positions

Guizhou University 贵州大学烟草学院2019年急需招聘两名优秀博士。涉农专业、生物类专业、化学类专业等均可。有意者请将简历发到邮箱:。有关情况可咨询联系人罗老师,电话:18212714502。请大家帮助宣传和推荐一下。谢谢! University of Florida Postdoctoral position (2-year): Microbiomes of Invasive Fruit Flies (crop pests) A postdoctoral position is available from Adam CN Wong’s lab at University of Florida Entomology and Nematology Department in Gainesville, Florida. We are