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Two Adverts for PhD and Post Doc positions

Two Adverts for PhD and Post Doc positions

Guizhou University 贵州大学烟草学院2019年急需招聘两名优秀博士。涉农专业、生物类专业、化学类专业等均可。有意者请将简历发到邮箱:。有关情况可咨询联系人罗老师,电话:18212714502。请大家帮助宣传和推荐一下。谢谢! University of Florida Postdoctoral position (2-year): Microbiomes of Invasive Fruit Flies (crop pests) A postdoctoral position is available from Adam CN Wong’s lab at University of Florida Entomology and Nematology Department in Gainesville, Florida. We are